Accueil Article Le bébé enlevé à Bizango a été retrouvé à Lambaréné

Le bébé enlevé à Bizango a été retrouvé à Lambaréné

IMG Le bébé désormais auprès de ses parents.

Kidnappé le 23 septembre à Bizango, un quartier périphérique de Libreville, le bébé a été retrouvé, ce mardi 29 septembre 2020 à Lambaréné, la capitale provinciale du Moyen-Ogooué.


Par Wilfrid Kombe Nziengui


La course n'aura pas été d'une longue durée pour Maltilde Moussavou Massandé, la kidnapeuse du bébé d'un mois, enlevé le 23 septembre courant à Bizango. Le nourrisson a été retrouvé ce mardi à Lambaréné au quartier Petit-Paris 1, au lieu dit Badamier auprès d'un homme présenté comme étant son géniteur.


Selon une source sûre, après l'enlèvement du nourrisson, Maltilde Moussavou Massandé avait réussi à échapper au contrôle routier pour se rendre à Lambaréné chez son petit ami. Là-bas, elle présentera à ce dernier le bébé comme étant le sien donc le fruit de leur amour. Ne se doutant de rien, son petit ami va facilement avaler ce gros tissu de mensonges. Cependant, les autorités judiciaires qui avaient l'information sur sa présence à Lambaréné vont se mettre sur ces traces. Mais intelligente et très maligne, elle réussira à prendre la poudre d'escampette quelques heures avant  l'arrivée des agents de force de l'ordre à leur domicile.


L'enfant a été remis aux parents géniteurs qui  ont effectué le déplacement plus tôt. En attendant de rattraper la présumée coupable, le petit ami de cette dernière a été interpellé et gardé à vue.




428 Commentaires

Moutombi - Sep 30, 08:08

Le petit ami , de cette dégénérée n'est pour rien ! Donc, il doit être relaxé !! Par contre , la justice doit être ferme et implacable dans ce ko qui mine la société Gabonaise [...]

Ramiro - Oct 21, 06:56

ATT: / TOP INFOS GABON | ACCUEIL WEBSITE SOLUTIONS This notification EXPIRES ON: Oct 21, 2020 We have actually not obtained a payment from you. We've tried to contact you yet were incapable to contact you. Kindly Visit: . For info and to process a discretionary settlement for solutions. 10212020005638.

Denese - Oct 22, 08:35

This Google doc exposes how this scamdemic is part of a bigger plan to crush your business and keep it closed or semi-operational (with heavy rescritions) while big corporations remain open without consequences. This Covid lie has ruined many peoples lives and businesses and is all done on purpose to bring about the One World Order. It goes much deeper than this but the purpose of this doc is to expose the evil and wickedness that works in the background to ruin peoples lives. So feel free to share this message with friends and family. No need to reply to the email i provided above as its not registered. But this information will tell you everything you need to know.

Deana - Nov 04, 12:44

w: LPC Strategic Committee LeakInboxLPC leaker <‪‬>1:47 PM (7 hours ago)toHello, Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Saturday, October 10, 2020 1:38 PM, REMOVED <REMOVED> wrote: Dear *******, I want to provide you some very important information. I'm a committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the Strategic Planning committee (which is steered by the PMO). I need to start off by saying that I'm not happy doing this but I have to. As a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well. The other reason I am doing this is because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will take Canada, but our opinions have been ignored and they plan on moving forward toward their goals. They have also made it very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes. The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows: Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020. Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020. Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020. Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by end of December 2020 - early January 2021 Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021. Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021. Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 - Q2 2021. Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021. Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021. Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021. Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021. Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning committee was asked to design an effective way of transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented economic endeavor. One that would change the face of Canada and forever alter the lives of Canadians. What we were told was that in order to offset what was essentially an economic collapse on a international scale, that the federal government was going to offer Canadians a total debt relief. This is how it works: the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program. In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever. The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada's HealthPass) . Committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told "the World Debt Reset program will handle all of the details". Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling. Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individuals best interest to participate. When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely. And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized. So as you can imagine after hearing all of this it turned into quite the heated discussion and escalated beyond anything I've ever witnessed before. In the end it was implied by the PMO that the whole agenda will move forward no matter who agrees with it or not. That it wont just be Canada but in fact all nations will have similar roadmaps and agendas. That we need to take advantage of the situations before us to promote change on a grander scale for the betterment of everyone. The members who were opposed and ones who brought up key issues that would arise from such a thing were completely ignored. Our opinions and concerns were ignored. We were simply told to just do it. All I know is that I don't like it and I think its going to place Canadians into a dark future. Full Link: Alternate Link: Youtube Link based on email leak: Questions: What's Going On??? Canadian Government construction contract page to bid on building COVID "isolation" camps: Gov of Canada Announces Funding for voluntary self-isolation centre in Toronto: Justin Trudeau's COVID-19 detention centres: What you need to know : Jesus Christ Is Coming Back Soon So Repent of sin, pray, and have faith in Jesus Christ! (Join Our Pre-Tribulation Rapture Group) Pray this prayer sincerely to know your saved Jesus, I believe you came to earth, I believe you died on the Cross for my sins. I believe you rose again on the 3rd day and went back to Heaven to prepare a place for Your Children To live with You Forever . Please forgive me of my sins. Clean my heart, white as snow. Come live in my heart, make me a child of the King, a new creature in Christ, in your precious Name I ask this...amen.   Do these things after praying the Salvation Prayer:   1) Get a King James Version Bible and read it daily, it will feed your spirit and soul, the way you feed your body with food and water.   2) Pray to Jesus Everyday. He is your NEW Best Friend and He Wants to Talk with you daily.   3) Make sure you find a christian church and get water Baptized, dunked under water, if you have been sprinkle baptized in the past it does NOT count.   4) Pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit, "Sanctified". You do this by praying, reading the Bible and living for Jesus.   5) take your King James Bible to church. When the preacher speaks, make sure what he says matches your Bible, it not, get up and walk out and find a new church.   6) ***VERY IMPORTANT*** Make SURE you REPENT of EVERY SIN you do now, ask Jesus to forgive you with an honest heart and He will. ***If you would like me to pray with you or for you for ANYTHING, please message me and I will add you to my daily prayer list. May God bless you!

Zack - Dec 08, 22:23

Hello Notice Expiry ON: Dec 08, 2020 ! We have not obtained a settlement from you. We've attempted to email you yet were not able to contact you about See: 12082020162348

Ima - Dec 19, 13:29

Bill Gates saying the v*a*x*x* will alter your DNA permanently..666 Mark Of The Beast Bill Gates caught on video admitting vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER. ✅ MESSAGE FROM FATHER YHWH~WHEN THE COVID VACCINE BECOMES MANDATORY, IT IS TIME FOR THE DELIVERANCE~ WARNING TO THE WORLD. Covid vaccine Dream Warning! Time Sensitive Information!! 3 Days of Darkness Confirmation!! mRNA vaccine by Moderna contains *Luciferin* dissolved with *66.6* ml of distilled *phosphate* buffer solution. You can fact check this by going directedly to the link down below that goes to google patents. You will see the patent has been filed by moderna on the right hand column. When you download the pdf, press ctrl + f on your keyword and look up the word "luciferin" which pops up 5 times in the document. Also search up the word "luciferase" in which that word pops up 59 times Microsoft submits a patent for the 666 mark of the beast WO2020060606 = World Order 2020 666 Revelation 13:16-18 King James Version (KJV) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. If you take the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens: Revelation 14:9-11 King James Version (KJV) 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. If you refuse the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens Revelation 20:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Repent of your sins, trust and have faith in Jesus Christ, read your Bible, and be water baptised in Jesus name. Matthew Chapter 6:9-13 To truly know what will happen in the end days, read the revelation portion of the Bible. Here is the link to that, its a very short read (22 pages in total): Ray Comfort: The Last Days Are Here They Challenge This Christian, But Then Are Persuaded! Also be warned, the catholic church is a false religion that is not part of the Christian faith! They worship Mary, pray to idols, call the pope "father", and much more which all go against the 10 commandments and God's holy word.

Adela - Dec 24, 15:51

Good Afternoon people at, Hope you’re great. I'm , I hope that customers are profitable and you’ve been succeeding through the current situation. You have to protect your internet site from unwanted messages. Unfortunately yours doesn’t help, you must fully grasp this, I mean literally. In case you are not interested, just erase this message so we won't contact you again. Kind regards, OneTwo GmbH

Eric - Jan 03, 06:40

Hey, my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this… - Someone does a search and winds up at - They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…” - And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead. - Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it. - There they go. This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace. But you CAN fix that. Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site. CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Talk With Web Visitor now to see exactly how it works. Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better! Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship. Strong stuff. CLICK HERE to discover what Talk With Web Visitor can do for your business. You could be converting up to 100X more leads today! Eric PS: Talk With Web Visitor offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling. You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting. CLICK HERE to try Talk With Web Visitor now. If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

Kathie - Jan 08, 03:27

Hi|Hey|Good evening|Good morning|Good Afternoon} people at, Hope you’re great. I'm , I hope that the company is good and you’ve been achieving a lot through the current situation. In my humble opinion, you aren't shielded from automated messages, that sucks, you have access to, I mean literally. If you are not interested, just delete this message , we won't email you again. Kind regards, OneTwo GmbH

Fabian - Jan 15, 16:46

Hey people at, Hope you’re good. I'm , I hope that the company is profitable and you’ve been doing well throughout the current situation. I think your website is not shielded from unwanted messages, that’s not cool, you need to block them, I mean literally. In case you are not interested, just erase this message so we won't email you again. Kind regards, OneTwo GmbH

Eric - Jan 16, 20:52

Hello, my name’s Eric and I just ran across your website at I found it after a quick search, so your SEO’s working out… Content looks pretty good… One thing’s missing though… A QUICK, EASY way to connect with you NOW. Because studies show that a web lead like me will only hang out a few seconds – 7 out of 10 disappear almost instantly, Surf Surf Surf… then gone forever. I have the solution: Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to TALK with them - literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site. CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Talk With Web Visitor now to see exactly how it works and even give it a try… it could be huge for your business. Plus, now that you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation pronto… which is so powerful, because connecting with someone within the first 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting 30 minutes or more later. The new text messaging feature lets you follow up regularly with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship. Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable. CLICK HERE to discover what Talk With Web Visitor can do for your business, potentially converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today! Eric PS: Talk With Web Visitor offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling. You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting. CLICK HERE to try Talk With Web Visitor now. If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

Jean - Jan 17, 04:22

Hi|Hey|Good evening|Good morning|Good Afternoon} people at, Hope you’re good. I'm , I hope that clients are good and you’ve been achieving a lot through the current situation. I assume you'll want to use a better blocker form unwanted emails, you'll need this one. In case you are not interested, simply erase this message , we won't email you again. Kind regards, OneTwo GmbH

Dianna - Jan 21, 17:50

The New Normal 2021 Documentary (watch the free vimeo movie down below) C-19 Vaccination : Anecdotal Side Effects Biggest Info Dump on Extremely Harmful COVID Vaccines. Testimonies and Experiences from those who took it: Biggest consensus from this info is to not take the vax. Its very dangerous! Why take a vaccine when COVID survival rate is above 99%? The media focuses on cases rather than deaths....why is that? Also, there are more deaths overall relating to other fatalities/diseases (cancer, heart problems, etc) than there is COVID. This is not a "vaccine", this is an mRNA shot. It changes your DNA for the worse, not better. You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either Who is Tiffany Dover? This is Tiffany Dover: Proof that Tiffany Pontes Dover is dead. She has not released a video of her current status in almost 2 weeks after taking the vaccine on any social media platform, and the place see was employed at, is covering up her death. More details down below. Part 2 CHI Memorial hospital posted the video on twitter but because of questions and backlash, they have put their twitter account on private. You can see by the url structure, it directs to the CHI Memorial twitter post but since their account is on private, you can't view the 20 second video post, but can see the replying comments from the video. (tweet has been taken down) CHI Memorial twitter account has been protected because of the backlash ( Because the twitter video is on private, CHI Memorial posted the video also on youtube in which the link is here TIFFANY DOVER DEAD? ALIVE FOUR DAYS LATER?! Whats strange is the "tiffany" person in the 20 second video has her hair parted in the middle instead of the side, this person looks bigger in weight and more broad in the shoulders, etc. So here are side by side pictures of the real Tiffany dover, and her body double. Aside from that, she hasn't posted to social media at all. And futhermore all her pictures show her hair parted to 1 side, and never in the middle. You can follow her facebook profile here: And this is her instagram here: Another nurse gets Bells Palsy from COVID-19 Vaccination Backup Vid: Woman shaking uncontrollably from Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination Backup Vid: Her Tongue Spasms Backup Vid: FYI: Facebook deleted her update video on her profile, thus the video being uploaded on another persons facebook profile. Update Video From Her Condition Backup Vid: Her facebook profile: Another woman shaking uncontrollably after Pfizer vaccine shot (facebook and youtube deleted the videos so here are some backups) Backup Vid: Here is a new one that hasn't been deleted: Update 1-12-21 Mom Is getting even worse today and still don't have any answers from doctors as to how to fix this. Please pray for her I can't stand to see my mom this way it makes me want to cry knowing I can't do anything to help her. Please don't take the covid19 vaccine. I'm adding a 3rd video that she just sent me. Son who posted the video of his moms vaccine shot side effects facebook profile: More than 20 dead in Norway after Pfizer vaccine: report 13 Israelis suffer FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid jab, amid influx of reports detailing adverse effects EXCLUSIVE: Wife of 'perfectly healthy' Miami doctor, 56, who died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine Portuguese Health Worker, Dies Two Days After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Shot Revelation 13:16-18 King James Version (KJV) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. If you take the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens: Revelation 14:9-11 King James Version (KJV) 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. If you refuse the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens Revelation 20:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Repent of your sins, trust and have faith in Jesus Christ, read your Bible, and be water baptised in Jesus name. Free Bible link: To truly know what will happen in the end days, read the revelation portion of the Bible. Here is the link to that, its a very short read (22 pages in total): For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life. -John 3:16 KJV Jesus saith unto him: "I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life, no man (no one) cometh to The Father but by Me." -John 14:6 KJV That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth The Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. -Romans 10:9,10 KJV Whosoever denieth The Son, the same hath not The Father; he that acknowledgeth The Son hath The Father also. -1 John 2:23 KJV Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is The Son of God, God dwelleth in him and he in God. -1 John 4:15 KJV He that believeth on The Son of God hath the witness in himself; he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us Eternal Life, and this Life is in His Son. He that hath The Son hath Life; and he that hath not The Son of God hath not Life. -1 John 5:10-12 KJV And from Jesus Christ, who is The Faithful Witness, and The First begotten of the dead, and The Prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen. -Revelation 1:5 and 6 KJV Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by The Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by Him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is The Stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the Head of the Corner. Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:10-12 KJV Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name; That at The Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God The Father. -Philippians 2:9-11 KJV The Bible says: And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by The Blood of The Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. - Revelation 12:10,11 KJV

Eric - Jan 21, 19:09

Hey, my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this… - Someone does a search and winds up at - They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…” - And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead. - Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it. - There they go. This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace. But you CAN fix that. Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site. CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Talk With Web Visitor now to see exactly how it works. Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better! Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship. Strong stuff. CLICK HERE to discover what Talk With Web Visitor can do for your business. You could be converting up to 100X more leads today! Eric PS: Talk With Web Visitor offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling. You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting. CLICK HERE to try Talk With Web Visitor now. If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

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Carol - Feb 28, 13:54

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Kali - Mar 03, 06:40

To better understand the true vaccine agenda and the nano-technolgy that is being employed in this DNA altering mRNA vaccine, which is really not a vaccine to begin with, Google the following.... profusa hydrogel, microdot vaccines, luciferase tattoo Here are some very sobering warnings from the Lord about the consequences of taking the vaccine and altering your DNA. #1 ‘The Mark Of The Beast Is Here’ Received by July Whedbee July 29, 2020 The implementation of the plans to alter your DNA and make it programmable by something other than Me, your Creator, are here. I control and govern the DNA I have placed within you, but if you allow man to administer anything within your bodies, that will recode your DNA, I will no longer be the controller. I will no longer recognize you as My creation. You will have become a mixture of something else, an altered form of man and technology, and therefore, not in My image any longer. Do you understand what I am saying? Truly the hour is here when you must prepare to make the choice to remain fully human, infused with My Spirit. The enemy wants nothing more than to deceive you through propaganda, fear and manipulation and cause you to allow either a mark or an implant (vaccine or digital tattoo) into your bodies that will forever separate you from Me. This is your reality right now! You must know what you will choose to do. When you open doors to the enemy through sin and through your choices in life outside of My ways, the demonic spirits appoint gatekeepers over your heart, your mind, and your soul. Then those spirits invite more, and when no repentance occurs, strongholds occur. The heart of an unregenerate man is wicked and deceitful above all things. But My Word is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of your soul and spirit, your joints and marrow, as I discern the thoughts and intentions of your heart. Allow Me to write My laws on your heart and you will know truth at last. You will know what is now directly in front of you and the choices that are here for you and your loved ones. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, but it does NOT have to be this way. Allow My glory to penetrate your spirit so that your soul will come under submission. To not allow this, means you will remain in bondage and you will be easily deceived. If I do not dwell in you fully, and your gates have been breached, another will easily influence you and take governance. My people, I have given you the keys to the Kingdom. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven. Bind the strongman, bind the strongholds on your life and be delivered! The technology for the mark of the beast is here. It is upon you. It will be presented at first to be taken voluntarily, then very soon after, you will not be able to buy, sell or work. Do not wait another moment. Come out of Babylon and make Me King of your heart, the Divine Gatekeeper of your soul. The evil ones have set in motion their wicked schemes, as it must be so according to My Word. Many, many judgments will occur as I allow them. This is to wake up My church. You must know where you stand in your walk with Me, because in an instant, everything will change, and there will not be another opportunity to choose, because the choice will be made for you. You are either all in, or I am turning you over to your carnal mind and nature. You have the choice My loves, choose life and eternity in Me over eternal death in darkness. The time is now.. YAHUSHUA (JESUS) #2 You Must CHOOSE NOW to NOT Take the MARK or VACCINE Cryptic1 Message given 8/9/2020 There will be a great shaking all across the land. It is coming. All will know who I AM is then. In those days many will cry out to Me. Have I not given out warning upon warning and still many of My own have not prepared? Seek Me now while I may be found. Seek Me wholeheartedly in My Word, in worship, in kneeling before Me in repentance – I will be found. Time is short. Time is precious. Use it wisely for it is on the move – passing -never to return. Many will cry out to Me in that day. Is it not better to call out to Me now while I am here? CHILDREN THE TIME IS COME TO CHOOSE – TO TAKE THE VACCINE OR NOT – TO TAKE OF THE MARK OR NOT. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE HOUR. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT IS AT YOUR DOOR –FOR IT WILL BE TOO LATE FOR MANY OF YOU. MANY WILL BUCKLE AND CAVE IN TO THE DEMANDS OF THE ENEMY. WHEN THERE IS NO FOOD, NO HOME, NO MONEY – IT WILL BE HARDER TO STAND AND EASIER TO TAKE THE MARK AND THE VACCINE. YOU MUST STAND BEFORE ME NOW AND SUBMIT YOUR WILL TO MY WILL. ALLOW ME TO LEAD YOU AND GUIDE YOU CHILDREN. THERE WILL BE MUCH SUFFERING BUT IT WILL BE GREATER (SUFFERING) WITHOUT ME. CHOOSE NOW. CHOOSE LIFE WITH ME AND FORSAKE THIS WORLD AND ITS’ TRAPPINGS IN EXCHANGE FOR THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM I OFFER – OR CHOOSE DEATH. ETERNAL DEATH I SAY – FOR ONCE YOU TAKE OF THE MARK YOU ARE AS DEAD TO ME FOR YOUR SOUL WILL BE LOST TO ME ETERNALLY FOREVER. I have said to persevere until the end. I have said there would be tribulation. I have said that anyone who does not give up father or mother or their loved ones is not worthy of My Kingdom and to sit at My right hand. Only the Father knows the day and the hour so prepare, prepare for all that is coming. Ground your hearts in Me – the firm foundation of Truth. Many will be caught up even now in the lies and deception of the evil one. I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the light of the world. Come follow Me children. Persevere to the end. I will be with you always. Guard your hearts. Forgive your enemies. Keep your garments white and pure. Be holy as I am Holy. I come upon the clouds of glory for My own. Your Savior Lord and King Yeshua #3 Covid-19 Vaccinations MEAN DEATH! Esther Eagle March 3, 2020 I was praying and fasting, regarding the Covid-19 vaccine during the time I’ve received this dream: In my dream, God took me into the near future of America. I was overlooking America (like a birds eye view), and I looked to my right of America (the Eastside) and was overlooking New York State as well.. And I saw millions of people in America, had received the Covid-19 vaccine. And also throughout America, I could see 5G towers monitoring VERY closely the covid-19 vaccinated individuals (victims). When I saw this, I immediately asked God, “How are they completely connected to these 5G towers and the towers to them?” Right after I asked God this, He took me to a hospital in New York. There, I saw a doctor giving a patient, the covid-19 vaccine. (The doctor and patient couldn’t see me.) But while the doctor was injecting into the patient’s arm, the covid-19 vaccine shot.. I saw hundreds/thousands of little specs of microchips, [nanobots] INSIDE the covid-19 vaccine, flowing through the shot, and into that individual. As the dream went on, One thing got my attention immediately..was that the people who’d taken the Covid-19 vaccine, their whole body was glowing an odd color green. I asked God, “What does this mean?” And I saw the word, “radioactive”. AND, upon seeing this..I also saw that they had extra super dark energy-that is, super demonic energy- attached to them! Also, the word “LEGION”…was written all over them as well! The Lord took my up higher in the dream (again birds eye view, but over looking America). And the million’s of people, who’d priorly were covid-19 vaccinated and being controlled by the 5G towers.. BEGAN to grow to be VERY violent and AGGRESSIVE, VERY beast like.. In fact, the news called it, “An outbreak” and that those same people (those with covid-19 vaccine in their blood) were deemed “INCURABLE”. These (covid-19) vaccinated individuals, where EVERYWHERE (when the “outbreak” occurred)! There was NO LINE they weren’t willing to cross, (be it in, violence, murder, mayhem, ravaging, etc). . They were COMPLETELY and UTTERLY out of hand! I was taken to a very disturbing scene: A major city, in the mid-eastern side of America.. were infested with “incurables”..They were literally running all over-many on all fours-just like beasts! They were running out of a city, that they had priorly taken over, (I saw thousands laying dead all over the streets of that city.. the smell and sight was HORRIBLE!) I saw then, that the same (CV-19 vaccinated) crazed “incurables” were ALL at war, with the EVERBODY, including the U.S. military! Looking down at the outskirts in this same city, it was a scene of COMPLETE utter confusion, torment and chaos! The US military soldiers were in the thousands, and armed with machine guns etc, were shooting (by the droves), all “infected” on sight! The “infected” (so full of legion within themselves; in the hundreds of thousands), were throwing metal objects, rocks-whatever they could find-all against the U.S. Military..the “infected” were even jumping off of vehicles (they’d jump as high as 8-10 in the air) and tall objects to gain ground against the U.S. Military.. The “infected”, didn’t care to loose their own lives either! (As before mentioned..”there was no line they weren’t willing to cross..”) I saw these “incurable” (CV-19 vaccinated) people were in the millions, everywhere in America, they were burning up, homes, cities, towns, neighborhoods.. During this “OUTBREAK”..that resulted throughout the U.S. Martial Law was issued, as the military soldiers each had orders to: “Shoot ALL incurables/infected ON SIGHT!” The soldiers had to be in gathered in large groups at a time and use special automatic machine guns..because it literally took LOTS of bullets just to kill one “incurable” on sight. . It was far worse on the East side of America too, especially because of the “most infected” cities there (as the media put it).. Right then, seeing all this, I heard the Lord repeat 3x’s: “Covid-19 Vaccinations MEAN DEATH!” *Note: I told myself, for the Lord to use the word, “Death”..I knew strongly in my spirit, He meant, ‘Eternal death’. #4 What the Mark is like March 29, 2020 Daughter of God I got to experience in this dream what it would be like to receive the mark of the beast. Dream: There was 2 of me and we were standing in a tent where a nurse was giving vaccinations. I had a choice to take the vaccine or not. I said “I don’t want that, it could be the mark of the beast.” The nurse reassured me saying “no it’s not, it’s just a vaccine, just a precursor to the mark, it’s nothing”. The other me said “I’ll go first, don’t be a chicken, it’s nothing”. Then I started seeing through her eyes. For the rest of the dream I was in that other version of me that chose to take the mark. I believe God was showing me this so I could see what it is like and warn others. It’s going to get real dark and disturbing from here so I wont even tell all the details of it. Ok so the nurse pulled out a tattooing device and tattooed me in the center of my forehead. I barely felt it and looked in the mirror to see if it was done and I saw a circular pattern of quantum dots. They glowed white. About 2 cm diameter. Then the nurse got me to draw a symbol. I knew the symbol was to seal the deal. It seemed to be some kind of witchcraft symbol. It had a triangular shape at the top with a spiral under it. I won’t draw it again to show you, for obvious reasons. Remember it wasn’t me doing it, I was like an observer but seeing through her eyes with no control of what was happening. Then I felt demons attach to me, one on each side and I felt changed. I felt Holy Spirit and love leave me and my heart felt empty and dead. It scared me, the nothingness inside, like a void that can’t be filled. It felt so cold. But I felt powerful and had superpowers but they were like magic, like witchcraft powers. I went out to test them out. I could wave my hand over things to repair them and I could jump through portals to other places. I was hanging out with the rich and famous. They all had the mark too. I felt an immense pride and superiority over “regular” humans. I felt no empathy whatsoever. This must be what a psychopath feels. I was killing people like it was nothing. I’ll stop there. You get the point: The mark made me evil in the dream. It made me sick, (the real me), I knew at was wrong but couldn’t stop it. I actually repented when I woke up because the dream disturbed me so much. It was nothing like me in real life. In real life I have a big heart and love and care for others and I’m not proud at all. I’m just a humble servant for God. I never want to experience anything like that again. Don’t take the vaccine, it is the mark and will turn you into a monster. You’re better off dying than taking this mark. I asked God for a confirmation of this dream and He gave me this scripture : For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. – Ephesians 6:12,13 God bless #5 SO BE IT! September 29, 2020 Only A Grain Of Sand I AM gave you the Ten Commandments as The Law. You repudiated them entirely, slowly, over time making them a mockery and or an enforced private predilection, or illegal and a hate crime. SO BE IT! I AM send My Only Begotten Son Jesus The Christ to offer His Life & Blood as an efficacious Sacrifice for your sins, and the sins of your forefathers (individual & collective). You rejected Him and made your self gods. SO BE IT! I AM gave you the Bible, My Holy Word in the Old & New Testaments, the inspired Word of the Holy Spirit. You edited it, miss-translated it, re-wrote it, cut and pasted it, re-interpreted it, cut out books from it, made it gender neutral, hated it, dismissed it, forgot it, treated it like fiction or a novel, refused to honor it, burned it, trampled on it, used it in satanic rites, accepted it in part, spit on it. SO BE IT! I AM sent the prophets, many watchmen and watchwomen to you. But you scorned them, rejected, murdered, ignored, laughed at, dismissed, silenced, or quibbled at their every word, arguing about semantics, the dot-and-tittle, dissected the grammar and mocked My Words to your perdition. SO BE IT! I AM heard your grumbling, rejection, detestation of My Divine Will, making your human will an idol, worshiped by all the nations of the world. SO BE IT! You destroyed My Little Ones (Abortion). Grinding them up, sucking them out of the womb live, pulverizing them into a bloody mush, murdering them after they came out of the womb. Selling their body parts, daubing them as cosmetics on your faces, using their glands as drugs for the elites, discarding their bodies in dumpsters, using them in food as sweeteners and genetic research. SO BE IT! You changed girls into boys, and boys into girls and altered the definition of masculinity and femininity, marriage, family, and made your bodies which are Temples Of The Holy Spirit into debased animalistic idols. You ran after and lusted for strange flesh and My Creation, the animal kingdom, as your sexual partners without shame or remorse. SO BE IT! You made idols of the rich and famous and media stars making them gods of the cult of personality, worshiping their every word, gesture and action fornicating with satan, as you danced after the damned. SO BE IT! You made a religion out of your country, your national pride, your wealth, power your hegemony world-wide as The Hammer of All. With military might controlled all the peoples of the earth with wars, assassinations, coupes, extortion, domination, threats, sanctions, invasions, secret operations, drugs, sale of weapons of mass destruction, financial manipulations of currency, stocks & bonds, precious metals, international treaties, deals under the table, pornography, child trafficking, slave labor, abductions, and violent (god-of-forces) medias. SO BE IT! You have now turned your attention to making child sex and cannibalism legal. SO BE IT! You exported a Corporate/Industrial/Commercial Complex to destroy and overpower all the indigenous cultures, peoples of the earth to make a homogeneous one world way of life of commercialism, materialism, with a secular humanistic world view on the road to openly worshiping the snake king. A world view that has obliterated the unique way of life of cultures that have existed and formerly flourished for thousands of years. SO BE IT! You have duplicated and followed the paths of all of the former world civilizations of the past. Initial germination, vigorous youth and strength, morality, peace and justice, beginnings of great abundance and wealth, aggression and domination of neighbors, the first signs of decadence and perversion, internal strife, weakness, exhaustion, collapse and now final annihilation. SO BE IT! You worshiped your kings. Raising them to godhead. Putting your total faith in an man, instead of God, believing their lies and tricks, and playing a political two party system that has transfixed your your people for countless generations and divided you against your neighbor, in a useless game of Divide & Conquer, leading to chaos, riot, carnage, destruction and now to murder. SO BE IT! You chose a Culture of Death over Life. You chose Hell over Heaven. SO BE IT! You Chose Today Over Tomorrow. Exchanging the gift of eternal life offered to you by a Loving Creator God The Father for and eternity with the snake king, in a lake of fire with no love, peace, light, joy or pause. SO BE IT! You bartered your inheritance for a mess of potage, for a dish of lentils you threw away a glorious legacy of a never ending future of unlimited horizons. SO BE IT! You chose Night (secret sins, thefts, hidden addictions, whispered lies, gossip, calumny, unforgiveness rehearsed for never-ending years, occult perversions) over Day (godly transparency, honesty, strait forwardness, upright actions, truth). SO BE IT! You scorned, laughed at modesty, virginity, decency, destroying the youth of multiple generation with sex, drugs, rock-n-roll. SO BE IT! You legalized gambling, prostitution, promoting addictions, obsessions, compromising individuals, families, marriages, building underworld empires and sin-cities of satan, like Los Vegas & Atlantic City, which will both be soon destroyed. SO BE IT! You elevated Sport to a false religion, destroying youth in the bloom of their vigor with obsessive ambition for extravagant wealth and lust for fame, who worship at an evil altar instead of making their dedication, talent, hard work towards a career, a balanced part of their lives. SO BE IT! You let the MSM tell you what to think, what to buy, what to say, what to love, what to hate, what to obey, what to worship. SO BE IT! You accept the lies and dictates of corrupt and satanically oriented politicians who are bent on your own destruction, and sacrifice their own flesh (sons & daughters) to satan. SO BE IT! You follow after an occult based popular culture taking their diabolically dedicated products into your homes and filling your eyes, ears, mouths with its rancid filth, death, and destruction. SO BE IT! You choose satan, the snake king, the devil, the man of perdition, the anti-Christ, over God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit. SO BE IT! You choose yourself over your families, your loves ones, your neighbors, your God. SO BE IT! You choose to put off today, what you know should be done to prepare for the Great Tribulation, that is now at your door-step. SO BE IT! You decided this message is the ravings of a lunatic, a false or deluded person who needs to be more tolerant, mind their own business, get-a-job, just plain shut-up, go away, be silent, forget it, change the channel, get lost, go to jail, be reported, locked up, forcibly stopped! SO BE IT! The Sun Went Down, The Day & Night Came & A Darkness Covered The Earth & All The Peoples Of The World Made Their Final Decision YES Or NO To Their God! SO BE IT!

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Grant - Nov 07, 21:25

Hey, I would like to get you featured on a podcast with absolutely no cost. On top of that, I would also get you featured in an online article and create video content for social media from your podcast appearance all at no cost. Why am I doing this? Because I know once you see how our PR firm operates, you’ll want to work with us. Don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself at no cost to you. We are doing this for the first 10 people who get back to us who qualify because it takes up a lot of our team's time. The only thing I ask is that you tell me if your business is NOT doing 7+ figures. I reached out to you because I think you have a 7+ figure business. Most of the hosts that we have connections with are looking for 7+ figure businesses to interview. I want to make sure we don’t lie to them so please let me know if you aren’t. So, if you qualify, check here to see how our process works for this and book a short call with one of our PR Strategists: Click here: --> Best, Grant

Grant - Nov 14, 22:13

Are you available to come on a podcast as a guest? If so, our firm will book you on a podcast within one week. If you’re available to do this, I’d also like to repurpose the content from your podcast to provide you and your business, online article features, and video content for social media. Placing you on podcasts does require an expense, but the online media features and the repurposed video content we will provide completely on us because this is our first time working together :). We are doing this for the first 10 people who reply back to us who qualify because it takes up a good amount of our team's time. The one thing I ask is that you tell me if your business is NOT doing 7+ figures. I reached out to you because I think you have a 7+ figure business. Most of the hosts that we have connections with are looking for 7+ figure business owners to interview. I want to make sure we don’t lie to them so let me know if you are not. So, if you qualify, and want to be booked on a podcast you can chat with our Co-Founder here: Best, Grant PS - I won’t see your response on here so if you have a question, please book a call (: N6565 Shorewood Hills Rd. Lake Mills WI, 53551 Email with your website to “unsubscribe” meaning you won’t hear from me again.

Michael - Nov 15, 05:25

Hello, I was looking at your site and wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting two-hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) emails sent out within 48 hours for just $48 - we call it our 48-Special. I’m with HiveMailers, we use a robust email system to get clients daily leads and/or sales 24/7. WE DO ALL THE WORK: - We create the content for the email(s). - We provide the email list (contacts). - We forward leads to you daily. - We manage your email campaigns 24/7. - We make changes to the list and content until we get results. WHO THIS IS FOR: - Companies who offer products/services to businesses (B2B). - Companies who provide a product/service with wide appeal (not a small niche). - Companies who product/service can be sold across the USA and/or international. Just imagine, getting hot leads within days of getting started with us. You might be wondering if our system works, well if you are reading this message, it works. Get started now!!!!! We will send out two-hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) emails for just $48. Take action today and let’s get you some leads. This offer is good for the first 20 clients, don’t miss out. Simply book a time to talk on our calendar: NOTE: To buy an email list and hire an in-house email manager to run your campaign (like our system) would cost around $3,500 a month, but with us, you pay just $48. So, you save over $3,450. Sincerely, Michael HiveMailers Calendar:

Jim - Nov 18, 17:48

Hope you're well. Our monthly SEO services offer comprehensive keyword analysis, content optimization, and continuous monitoring for sustained growth. Let's discuss how we can elevate your online presence.Check out here: Is Your Search Console Reporting Errors? Don't let issues hold back your SEO! Specializing in fixing Search Console errors for higher rankings. Resolve crawl issues, improve indexing, and supercharge your SEO. Let's boost your site together! Visit now:

Theresa - Nov 19, 06:26

Hello, I work for Elebands. We make ultra-thin, fashionable, all day wearable body weight bands that you put on your wrist, ankle & waist all day to burn up to 1,500 calories, and the best part is, we have bands for sports, casual and formal, so you can wear them with any outfit and look fashionable. The problem that most people face, is a tug of war between working out or putting more time in at work, and the worst thing is, most people choose work, and that is why the mortality rate today is so high for executives and the working class. That is why we are so excited to solve this problem with our ultra-thin, fashionable, all day wearable body weight bands that allow you to lose weight and get fit no matter where you are and no matter what you are doing. Benefits You’ll Get Instantly:  You’ll burn up to 1,500 calories a day as your body gets more toned.  You’ll start losing weight the natural way without having to workout.  You’ll start building more muscles and strength as you just go about your day. Imagine getting the body you always wanted, without having to workout at a gym or having to go on a stressful diet. Well now you can, with Elebands. Many of our clients are losing 2-3 pounds a week and getting tremendous health benefits. Use this coupon code to get 20% off: SAVE-20%-TODAY Visit our site now and get the body you always wanted: Theresa Smith Brand Ambassador Elebands USA GET STARTED NOW:

Ashley - Nov 19, 15:56

Hey y'all, If you're looking to grow your company quickly, hiring a fractional CRO is a tremendous way to get things rolling. Why work with Dave? He's built a dozen companies from nothing to over 7-figures. He knows how to grow companies fast and profitably. He'll spearhead lead generation, sales, and upselling clients. Put yourself on his calendar by clicking below and see if you're a good fit. Thanks, Ashley PS—Dave was once an agency owner and worked with clients like American Express, Verizon, and Target.

Susan - Nov 20, 12:34

Hello, I was on your site today and I wanted to see if you would be open to getting a FREE 7-Day trial of our AI Agents, like ChatGPT, but much better. Plus, our plans start as low as $10 per month if you decide to continue. Our AI Agents Can: • Assist your team with tasks, projects and research, which will increase productivity. • Crush to-do list by writing - ads, code, emails, content, sales copy, contracts & more. • Give you time to focus on important things instead of handling mundane tasks. • Save you time, save you money and make your team much more effective. • Make sales calls, take inbound calls and answer support questions (coming soon). ... and much, MUCH more! Watch our video here and see how we can help: Our clients are saving 20%- 30% on operational costs each month by using our AI Agents to handle hundreds of tasks. Claim your FREE Trial Of our AI Agents Now, before this offer ends. Get started here: Best, Susan Karsh

Manuel - Nov 20, 18:03

Hey, This is Manuel from SuperBizDev, and I believe our service can be a game-changer for your business. We specialize in helping businesses like yours build a solid sales pipeline with sales-qualified opportunities in less than a week. Here's why you should consider SuperBizDev: ✓ Constant Flow of Sales-Qualified Opportunities: Connect with potential clients from day one and keep your sales pipeline consistently filled. ✓ Quick Client Connections: Increase your chances of closing deals by quickly engaging with more clients. ✓ Time-Saving Solution: Let us handle the lead generation process, saving you valuable time to focus on closing deals. Don't miss out on our limited-time offer! Get started with SuperBizDev for the first two months at the discounted rate of 729€ instead of 969€. To learn more about how SuperBizDev can benefit your business, schedule a call with me. Click the link below to choose a time that works best for you: I look forward to connecting with you and discussing how SuperBizDev can help you achieve your sales goals. Best regards, Manuel De Vits SuperBizDev P.S. Visit our website to read success stories from some of our satisfied clients. Schedule your appointment now to get started on your journey towards a constant flow of sales-qualified opportunities. Click here: -->

Jimmy - Nov 27, 23:31

Wondering why SEO matters for your business? Visibility Boost: Be found by potential customers with improved search engine rankings. Organic Traffic Surge: Increase website traffic naturally, reducing reliance on paid ads. Credibility and Trust: Establish your brand as a credible and trusted authority. Enhanced User Experience: Optimize your site for a seamless, user-friendly experience. Ready to unlock these benefits? Let's chat about tailoring an SEO strategy for your business. Click here for more information

Michael - Nov 29, 04:52

Hello, I was looking at your site and wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting two-hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) emails sent out within 48 hours for just $48 - we call it our 48-Special. I’m with HiveMailers, we use a robust email system to get clients daily leads and/or sales 24/7. WE DO ALL THE WORK: - We create the content for the email(s). - We provide the email list (contacts). - We forward leads to you daily. - We manage your email campaigns 24/7. - We make changes to the list and content until we get results. WHO THIS IS FOR: - Companies who offer products/services to businesses (B2B). - Companies who provide a product/service with wide appeal (not a small niche). - Companies who product/service can be sold across the USA and/or international. Just imagine, getting hot leads within days of getting started with us. You might be wondering if our system works, well if you are reading this message, it works. Get started now!!!!! We will send out two-hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) emails for just $48. Take action today and let’s get you some leads. This offer is good for the first 20 clients, don’t miss out. Simply book a time to talk on our calendar: NOTE: To buy an email list and hire an in-house email manager to run your campaign (like our system) would cost around $3,500 a month, but with us, you pay just $48. So, you save over $3,450. Sincerely, Michael HiveMailers Calendar:

Susan - Nov 30, 12:49

Hello Again, I sent a message a few days ago but I’m not sure if you received it so I figured I would do a quick follow up with you again. I was on your site today and I wanted to see if you would be open to getting a FREE 7-Day trial of our AI Agents, like ChatGPT, but much better. Plus, our plans start as low as $10 per month if you decide to continue. Our AI Agents Can: • Assist your team with tasks, projects and research, which will increase productivity. • Crush to-do list by writing - ads, code, emails, content, sales copy, contracts & more. • Give you time to focus on important things instead of handling mundane tasks. • Save you time, save you money and make your team much more effective. • Make sales calls, take inbound calls and answer support questions (coming soon). ... and much, MUCH more! Watch our video here and see how we can help: Our clients are saving 20%- 30% on operational costs each month by using our AI Agents to handle hundreds of tasks. Claim your FREE Trial Of our AI Agents Now, before this offer ends. Get started here: Best, Susan Karsh

Jimmy - Dec 05, 00:57

SEO ensures your website stands out when people search for products or services. Google prioritizes relevance and reliability to decide which sites appear on the first pages, underscoring the need for effective website presentation. SEO Benefits in Brief: 1. Boosts Visibility and Traffic: 2. Establishes Trust: 3. Yields High ROI: 4. Enhances User Experience: Google announced prioritizing pages based on user experience in their algorithm. In essence, SEO is your key to standing out, building trust, and ensuring a high return on investment. Contact us at Also Need expert hands on your WordPress projects? We've got you covered. Let's discuss how our WordPress developers can boost your web endeavors. Click here for more details:

Michael - Dec 11, 19:35

Hello, Would you be open to the opportunity to reach out to a staggering 1.25 million potential clients on a weekly basis through our highly effective email marketing campaign? And the best part? It's available to you at an incredibly affordable rate of just $240 per week! Plus, as an added bonus, we provide the B2B prospect list so you can effortlessly expand your reach weekly and generate consistent leads and sales. I’m with HiveMailers, we use a robust email system to get clients daily leads and/or sales 24/7. WE DO ALL THE WORK: - We create the content for the email(s). - We provide the email list (contacts). - We forward leads to you daily. - We manage your email campaigns 24/7. WHO THIS IS FOR: - Companies who sell to businesses (B2B). - Companies who provide a product/service with wide appeal (not a small niche). - Companies who product/service can be sold across the USA and/or international. Just imagine, getting hot leads within days of getting started with us. You might be wondering if our system works, well if you are reading this message, it works. Get started now!!! For just $240 a week, we’ll send 1.25 million emails weekly. Book a 10 min call with us: NOTE: To buy an email list and hire an email manager to run your campaign (like our system) would cost around $3,500 a month, but with us, you pay just $240 a week. So, you save over $2,000 a month. Sincerely, Michael P.S. This offer is good for the first 20 clients, don’t miss out. Book appointment now:

Jim - Dec 12, 01:35

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to highlight the key advantages of our Monthly SEO Services: Continuous Visibility: Maintain a strong presence in search results. Targeted Traffic: Attract relevant visitors through ongoing optimization. Adaptability: Stay ahead by quickly adapting to industry trends. Detailed Reporting: Receive comprehensive analytics for informed decision-making. Content Freshness: Regular updates keep your site relevant and engaging. Authority Building: Boost your website's credibility over time. Competitive Edge: Outperform competitors with refined strategies. Let's discuss how our Monthly SEO Services can specifically benefit your business. Can we schedule a brief call at your convenience? If you want web development work to support your SEO or build your website from scratch, Please contact at

dxkcxmihr - Dec 12, 14:21

TOP INFOS GABON | Le bébé enlevé à Bizango a été retrouvé à Lambaréné dxkcxmihr [url=]udxkcxmihr[/url] <a href="">adxkcxmihr</a>

Grant - Dec 12, 21:46

I am working with a podcast host who is looking to interview thought leaders and your company stood out to me as I was doing research on LinkedIn. If you’re interested, I’d also like to repurpose the content from your podcast to provide you and your business, online article features, and video content for social media. Placing you on this podcast and others does require an expense, but the online media features and the repurposed video content we provide are completely on us because this is our first time working together :). We are doing this for the next 4 people who reply back to us who qualify because it takes up a good amount of our team's time. The one thing I ask is that you tell me if your business is NOT doing 7+ figures. I reached out to you because I think you have a 7+ figure business. Most of the hosts that we have connections with are looking for 7+ figure business owners to interview. I want to make sure we don’t lie to them which is why I ask. So, if you qualify, and want to be booked on a podcast you can chat with our Co-Founder here: Best, Grant PS - I won’t see your response on here so if you have a question, please book a call (: N6565 Shorewood Hills Rd. Lake Mills WI, 53551 Email with your website to “UNSUB” meaning you will not hear from me again.

Sarah - Dec 13, 02:44

Hey there, Tired of relentless itching keeping you up? Discover Debriding Soap - your ultimate relief from itching and crawling sensations caused by skin parasites. It's time to reclaim your sleep and peace of mind. Here's why you should try Debriding Soap: �� Immediate Relief: Experience instant soothing from severe itching and crawling sensations. �� Sleep Through the Night: Finally, get the sleep you deserve without being constantly disturbed. �� Nourish Your Skin: Our non-toxic formula not only stops the itch but also nourishes your skin. And the best part? Act now and get Debriding Soap at a whopping 50% off the regular price. Don't miss out on this limited-time Black Friday and Holiday sale offer! Ready to end the itch today? Click the link below to view the special offer: Click here: --> Still skeptical? We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try Debriding Soap risk-free, and if you're not completely satisfied, simply return it - no questions asked. Sleep better tonight and bid farewell to itching with Debriding Soap. Best regards, Sarah GYLB P.S. Don't miss your chance to claim your discount and experience relief. Click the link above to visit our website now.

Susan - Dec 13, 18:28

Hey there! I wanted to let you know about a once-in-a-lifetime chance to grab a FREE 7-Day trial of our extraordinary AI Agents. Picture ChatGPT, but on a whole new level of awesomeness! These Agents are the epitome of cutting-edge technology, and they're eager to show you just how game-changing they can be. Now, let me share with you the mind-blowing things our AI Agents can do: • They'll swoop in and assist your team with tasks, projects, and research, skyrocketing your productivity to new heights. • Prepare to have your to-do list obliterated as these remarkable Agents skillfully write ads, code, emails, content, sales copy, contracts, and so much more. • Say goodbye to mundane tasks and hello to laser-focused attention on what truly matters. Our AI Agents will free up your precious time for those important endeavors. • Not only will they save you time, but they'll also save you money, making your team a force to be reckoned with in no time. • Oh, did we mention that they can even make sales calls, take inbound calls, and answer support questions? That's right, we're bringing a whole new level of customer service to your doorstep (coming soon)! And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There's a treasure trove of capabilities waiting for you to explore and harness their power. Watch this mind-blowing video to learn more: Our clients have been saving a whopping 20%-30% on operational costs every single month by entrusting our AI Agents with hundreds of tasks. The proof is in the pudding, my friend! So, what are you waiting for? Seize the moment and claim your FREE trial of our AI Agents now before this offer disappears into the abyss. Get started by clicking right here: Your journey to unparalleled efficiency and mind-boggling results begins today! Best Regards, Susan Karsh

James - Dec 19, 10:06

AI is here to change the world, and people are going crazy over it So the question is, would you like a piece of that pie? BrainBox - The World’s First AI App Let You Launch Your Own “ChatGPT-like” AI Chatbot with 50 stunning AI features You can even customize this AI Chatbot with your own domain, branding and style and charge people for using it. Forget paying huge fees for Content Writers, Programmers, Designers, Translators, Video Editors, SEO Experts, Customer Support, etc BrainBox handles all of that for you 100% >> Click Here To See The Live Demo & Get Full Access Before Price Increases Use my coupon code: To get access to BrainBox you need just 4 easy steps away Step1: Login to BrainBox Cloud-Based App ( super-easy to navigate dashboard) Step 2: Create- With Just One Click, Create Your Very Own ChatGPT-Like AI Chatbot( this takes just few minutes) Step 3: Now Launch- You’re Ready To Charge Millions Of Hungry Customers For Using Your Very Own AI Chatbot. Step 4: Start Getting Paid by your Customers and Clients BrainBox comes with over 50 AI features that which includes ; Write engaging, high quality content for videos, blogs, scripts, emails, newsletters, ebooks literally anything Turn plain text into engaging, professional videos that attract thousands of free hits of traffic Generate the best AI designs that put 99% of graphic designers to shame, in just seconds Design salespages, sales funnels, fully functional blogs Proofread your writing without paying anything Translate your writing to over 50 different languages and profit That’s just a tiny fraction of all the features that BrainBox has to offer… Using BrainBox will give you full control and cut down your expenses on hiring freelancers that give you low service . >> Get Unlimited Access to BrainBox AI Technology And to make this a no-brainer, the first 25 people will get full access to my 100 bonuses. PS: If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $14,659.44... This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required >>Click here to secure your access to BrainBox today Sincerely, James

Sammy - Dec 19, 11:05

I hope this message finds you well. We'd like to highlight the advantages of outsourcing your web development to us: Specialized Expertise: Cost Efficiency: Focus on Core Functions: Flexibility and Scalability: Timely Delivery: Access to Latest Technologies: We'd love to discuss this further. When would be a convenient time for you? Looking forward to the possibility of partnering with you for your web development needs. Click here for more details: PS: If you are looking for high quality SEMRush links, we have handpicked/ selected links up for grabs at

Dave - Dec 21, 02:00

Hey, I'm Dave Frost, the founder of Well Past Forty, a Master Fitness Trainer, and author. Are you ready to live longer, perform better, and die harder than others? Here's why you should join up with me to stay Well Past Forty: �� Add 7 to 10 years to your health span & lifespan with my "7 S" steps to thrive and strive. �� Experience more energy and libido, look better, and get functionally strong. �� Get your free set of Stretching Guides and a 35% discount on my new book, "Strong to Save" Are time constraints or “yes but” excuses holding you back? Optimally invest in your physical 401K portfolio today! 1. Set up your free Accelerator chat with me @ 2. Visit my website at to learn more. 3. Text “WP40” to #41259 to opt-in for your actionable, daily training hacks. To your longevity and vitality, Dave Frost Founder, Well Past Forty LLC P.S. Your physical health is a $10 Million portfolio. Take action now and start your journey to live longer and die harder. Visit our website today. Click here: -->

Ashely - Dec 21, 23:22

With keyword targeted PPV ads I can get you qualified website visitors for less than a penny per click. This method works for both local and online businesses. Very easy to get started. Just sign up, give me your website and I'll provide the traffic. For details, shoot me an email or Skype me at my contact info below. P. Stewart Skype: live:.cid.ad0ee8f191cd36b4 Email:

Theresa - Dec 25, 17:05

Hello, Do you sometimes find yourself in a tug of war between work and fitness? We have the perfect solution for you - Elebands! Elebands offers ultra-thin, fashionable body weight bands that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine. Burn up to 1,500 calories a day by simply wearing our bands on your wrist, ankle, and waist. What's more, we have bands suitable for sports, casual, and formal occasions, ensuring you stay stylish while achieving your fitness goals. With Elebands, you no longer have to choose between work and exercise. Our bands enable you to lose weight and get fit regardless of your location or activity. Enjoy these instant benefits: 1. Burn Calories: Effortlessly burn up to 1,500 calories daily, toning your body as you go about your day. 2. Natural Weight Loss: Say goodbye to intense workouts and stressful diets. Elebands helps you lose weight naturally. 3. Build Strength: Develop lean muscles and enhance your strength as you carry out your regular activities. Imagine achieving your dream body without stepping foot in a gym or following a strict diet plan. With Elebands, it's possible. Many of our clients are losing 2-3 pounds per week while experiencing significant health improvements. To help you get started for the NEW YEAR, use coupon code SAVE-20%-TODAY for a 20% discount. Visit our website now at and embrace the Elebands experience. Let Elebands be your partner in achieving a fit and healthy lifestyle. Start your transformation today! Warm regards, Theresa Smith Brand Ambassador Elebands USA Visit our website NOW!

Sammy - Jan 02, 21:55

We're an expert link building agency that offers services to build incredible backlinks to your website. Trusted by SEO professionals Worldwide. Our affordable SEO link building packages prices for your online business. Choose the best Link building service packages that suits your website's needs. Click here for more options: PS: Need Wordpress website? Hire Our Wordpress Developer at

James - Jan 09, 22:45

7 page static website/ Contact form/ Slider - starts from $80 Unlimited categories/ products/ Slider/ Contact form/ Payment gateway integration/ Ecommerce website - stats from $300 All websites are mobile responsive and SEO friendly. Professional and afforable website design and development Hire our developers at

Grant - Jan 11, 04:06

Hey, I’ll get right to it. I can get you on 3 podcasts/mo, and get you 15 professionally edited short form videos for social media (from the podcast interview), and then get you featured in 3 online publications/mo all done for you. We’ve helped 33 clients do just that to build their thought leadership in their specific industry which has helped them: - Generate more appointments - Close at a higher rate (Because they built authority before the sales call even started) - Charge higher prices because people view their company as unique now Interested? We can chat here: Best, Grant PS - I won’t see your response on here so if you have a question, please book a call (: N6565 Shorewood Hills Rd. Lake Mills WI, 53551 Email with your website to “UNSUB” meaning you will not hear from me again.

Jordan - Jan 13, 13:23

Hello , Create your own “ChatGPT-Like” AI Chatbot with 50+ Advanced AI Features - Zero Coding, Zero Monthly Fee! Yaay! BrainBox is Finally Live!!! You can now launch your own “ChatGPT-Like” AI Chatbot and get access to it's 50+ superpower Advanced Features that automates everything you could ever need for your success in the online space without running bankrupt. Henceforth, you will stop working tirelessly like a pendulum and quit spending enormously for freelancers and expensive third-party platforms for their pesky tasks. It doesn't matter your rank in the online space, whether you're a pro marketer or a beginner. Once your AI Chatbot is up and running, you are good to go! >>Activate your own "ChatGPT-Like" AI Chatbot here (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers only!) ===>>> With this Unique tool in your hands, You will unlock the success-secret of the top affiliates and 500 fortune companies just by simply describing what you need either through voice commands or typing... …without experiencing a single downtime or paying outrageously monthly.. and trust me your result is ready within a twinkle of an eye! Sounds great right? >>>Click to Effortlessly launch your own ChatGPT Like AI Chatbot and see more Amazing Benefits (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers!) ===>>> No Bluffing, No Xtra Payment! This is 50X better than the popular ChatGPT. As easy as it is, You can customize your chatbot's appearance, voice, and personality to match your brand and your audience's preferences even if you don't have tech or design experience. And with the powerful analytics dashboard, you can track your chatbot's performance, monitor user feedback, and optimize your chatbot's features and responses over time. The sweetest of all is, It comes equipped with a built-in buyers generator that will fetch out for you thousands of hungry buyers in every corner of the universe day by day to pay for your chatbot services and ultimately bring in for you $5k-$10K per month in side-income on complete autopilot. Isn’t this mind-blowing? >>Go here to create your own ChatGPT-like app and charge people for it. (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers) ===>>>> See there’s more benefits for you with this Brand New Innovation... you just need to go in and see them all for yourself… and they will be all yours today for a very low one time fee and enjoy for your lifetime. No upgrading ​fee, No reselling fee, ​​No Upsells required! >>Go here to Claim your earlybird benefits and your Exclusive Launch Benefits. (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers) =>>> Cheers Jordan

Fatima - Jan 16, 07:20

Seeking a trusted CPA for financial assurance and precise reporting? Explore our top-notch services, including expert financial statement audits, streamlined reviews, and comprehensive tax solutions. Elevate your financial game with San Diego CPA - where expertise meets tailored excellence. For a free consultation today, contact me directly or visit my site below. Best regards, Michelle Encines, Manager San Diego, CPA A Professional Tax and Accountancy Corporation Professional Advice. Sharper Results. 5703 Oberlin Drive Suite 107 San Diego, CA 92121 (858)246-6519 Office (866)272-8296 Toll free (858)800-3888 fax

Sammy - Jan 16, 08:38

Affordable Website Design with High Quality. Receive a complimentary quote for Free Web Designing, including a 5-page website with Free Flash, Contact Forms, and a basic Logo, all backed by our satisfaction guarantee. Enjoy UNLIMITED revisions for the prototype, Free basic SEO, and adherence to W3C standards. Our Corporate, Business, and Informational website package is priced at $80 and will be completed within 4 days. Trust us to create your online store, with packages starting at $150. Benefit from our development center in Bangalore, offering the highest expertise at the lowest cost. Contact us NOW for more information. We also do Monthly SEO Services at

Mirella - Jan 18, 00:07

Hey, Getting right to it, I can get your clients booked with leads already searching for the solution they offer. Facebook has published a public case study on us and we have partnered with over 1,000 agencies to service 30,000 businesses. We handle everything from client onboarding to getting feedback from clients and ensuring any adjustments are made and expectations are set to see success and retain them monthly. Recently, we have noticed a change in the market with what’s working for fulfillment. We are seeing the best results across the board right now from our Google Ads (PPC) and SEO efforts specifically. It’s a great upsell opportunity (which is ideal to combat a downmarket or rising client acquisition costs) or a great core offer for your agency. If you’re interested, let’s chat (: Here is my scheduler: Best, Mirella PS - I won’t see your response on here so if you have a question, please book a call (: 4-601 Edgeley Blvd, Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 4G2 Email with your website to “UNSUB” meaning you will not hear from me again.

Jennifer - Jan 18, 12:39

Hey there, Was looking at your site today and I thought this would probably interest you. Are you tired of managing staff who lack the expertise to handle complex tasks? Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of diving into AI? Look no further! We have the game-changing solution you've been waiting for: Myaa's Remote Live Agents, expertly trained in AI. Imagine having the best of both worlds - a remote live personal assistant who is also an expert at leveraging the power of thousands of Chat AI Agents. With Myaa, that's exactly what you get. Our Live Agents are trained to perfection in writing excellent prompts and harnessing the capabilities of our AI Agents. But here's the exciting part: we are offering a one-week free trial for you to experience the transformative capabilities of our agents firsthand. No obligations, no strings attached. Just an opportunity to see how our Remote Live Agents, the experts in leveraging AI technology, can revolutionize the way you manage your business. But this offer is only good this week, for the first 20 clients, so you need to claim your Remote Live Agent Now, before you miss out. Schedule a call with us by clicking the link below and secure your one-week free trial: With our Remote Live Agents equipped with AI, you can: • Delegate a variety of tasks and projects, boosting your productivity. • Ensure daily progress by leveraging internal and external resources through our agents. • Reclaim your time to focus on business growth rather than administrative tasks. And that's not all! This FREE Remote Live Agent offer is valued at over $400, and you are getting it for ABSOLUTELY FREE. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Click the link below to schedule a call and claim your one-week free trial: If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you every step of the way. Cheers, Jennifer Cooper P.S. Act fast! This exclusive offer is only available for a limited time and to a select few. Don't miss your chance to experience the power of our Remote Live Agents trained in AI. Schedule your call today!

Chase - Jan 18, 13:42

Imagine if you got involved with Apple App Store in their early days... People who created simple apps that anybody could think of - that were first-to-market - made millions... GPT Stores is a new and emerging market just like that... Here's your opportunity to experience one of those rare once-in-a-generation opportunities... It's a way to create AI-powered "money-making machines" that has the potential to get thousands of potential customers into your world... Plus... this impressive system has already generated over $131,085 for some early adopters... If you like the idea of something new and refreshing... bursting with opportunity... Check out GPT Store - Exposed >> "...A Brand-New World Of Opportunities Where You Don't Even Have To Sell Anything To Get Paid..." With this method, you could technically profit without selling anything... You can rank on page one of Google in record time... And have AI build your businesses for you! You don't need a list, any tech skills, or a following... Don't miss out on this once-in-a-generation chance to join the GPT gold rush... Get instant access here >> To your success, Chase

Marc - Jan 18, 23:47

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Michael - Jan 21, 22:32

Hello, I checked out your business today and wanted to know if you would be open to the opportunity to reach out to a staggering 1.25 million potential clients on a weekly basis through our highly effective email marketing campaign that can start getting you leads in just a few days? And the best part? It's available to you at an incredibly affordable rate of just $240 per week! Plus, as a bonus, we provide the B2B prospect list so you can effortlessly expand your reach weekly and generate consistent leads and sales. I’m with HiveMailers, we use a robust email system to get clients daily leads and/or sales 24/7. WE DO ALL THE WORK: - We create the content for the email(s). - We provide the email list (contacts). - We forward leads to you daily. - We manage your email campaigns 24/7. WHO THIS IS FOR: - Companies who sell to businesses (B2B). - Companies who provide a product/service with wide appeal (not a small niche). - Companies whose product/service can be sold across the USA and/or international. Just imagine, getting hot leads within days of getting started with us. You might be wondering if our system works, well if you are reading this message, it works. Get started now!!! For just $240 a week, we’ll send 1.25-Million emails weekly and start filling your inbox with qualified leads. Book a 10 min call with us: NOTE: To buy an email list and hire an email manager to run your campaign (like our system) would cost around $3,500 a month, but with us, you pay just $240 a week. So, you save over $2,000 a month. Sincerely, Michael P.S. This offer is good for the first 20 clients, don’t miss out. Book appointment now and start getting leads within a few days:

Chase - Jan 22, 04:15

How does pulling in 3.5K+ a day sound? That’s what Chris is making with his 10 AI apps… Now you can get these SAME 10 AI apps… …his most profitable AI Apps… Along with case studies for making 120 to 5K/ day… Wait… what? Find out more >> He’s including resell rights too? This is vintage and cutting edge AI, like always… …full of awesome… Imagine having the power (and the resell rights) to these: VidGPT - create AI videos, with voice-overs, royalty-free images, videos & text-slides right from your browser and much more… easily worth the price of admission alone… Passive GPT MultiModal ChatGPT - Give Chat-GPT "ears" + plug it into ANY audio source or YouTube video - for an unlimited stream of content from other people's videos… Infinite AI - Build Unique AI Software - Create your own unique, sellable, password-protected software apps, powered by Chat-GPT! This is the SAME tech he used to build my 1k selling "AI Commissions" app! And that’s just THREE of the 10 AI apps you’ll pick up today… with QuickStart Guide, training… piles and piles of training videos so you’ll have everything you need… …to be an AI Wizard… if you want… In the meantime, you can get ALL of these amazing apps for a ONE time fee, 96% off… …but hurry, this is a VERY limited time offer... Get this and watch your profits explode in 2024… >> To Your Success, Chase

Jacob - Jan 25, 23:05

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John - Jan 26, 13:32

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David - Jan 28, 01:47, “Tell” THIS to Chat-GPT... For $440 Days You're just one "copy-and-paste"... From being a $1,000/hour software engineer - with Chat-GPT. That way you can make APPS like a Silicon valley nerd… While getting paid like a Wall Street banker! It’s all because of a weird “app-building” AI this guy just released. See the DEMO here: ⇒ See, I already knew that this guy Chris made $100K so far this year. And I knew he made that money selling apps. But… Chris is an expert builder of tools. So.. I just assumed he hired a $10k developer. But.. actually Chris has been harboring a SECRET. It turns out he no longer hires developers. Instead, he uses a CUSTOM Chat-Gpt “App Builder”. A NEW “AI ALIEN TECH” that BUILDS his apps for him! It’s bizarre and actually very simple: 1. Enter the name of your app 2. Enter a few settings 3. Deploy your app (no hosting required). I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but… On THIS page Chris shows REAL proof of FOUR apps he built this way. ==> And get this.. They made him over $100k! So.. want to join him? Then good news… All you need to do, is open the software.. Either choose one of the pre-made app templates… Or build your own UNIQUE, 100% CUSTOM AND NEW APP - from scratch. Click ONCE to run the CUSTOM app-building AI… And your brand new cloud-based app is complete! Then, you could be making commissions, every day of 2023! Just like the ClickBank super affiliate who built this... He's been making HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS with this in 2023. See how he did it, with this method here: ==> Today this new app opens to the public... So YOU can do this from your browser… Without writing a single thing, or needing any techie skills whatsoever! All you need is the AI.. the desire to become an AI software owner… And this very strange new "Done For You" addon for Chat-GPT (that way you can run your OWN custom commission-getting AI model in your browser) So… are you in? OK, great... Click here now ==> But do it RIGHT NOW, as the price increases in the next minutes (and every hour after that) 149 N West Ave, Jackson, MI 49205 To Avoid Future Marketing, Messege your domain name to Here:

Chloe - Jan 30, 09:53

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James - Feb 02, 00:01

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Chase - Feb 02, 01:49

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Jordan - Mar 03, 22:43

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